Safun  Flying  Ring
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available in many different colors

A flying ring is made from special nylon fabric filled with a special material which has a very soft and lightweight quality.  Its finished size is approximately 7 and 3/4 inches in diameter.  Its net weight is about 15 grams (0.529 ounce).  It can be adjusted to fly through air at different speed, and can be flattened and folded into 1/4 of its original size for easy put away and take along in one's shirt pocket.

Brief Characteristics

1. UltraSoft, making it safe to the hands and things around.

2. Can fly thru air at varying speed. A flattened Ring will fly thru air faster,   while squeezing the sides of the Ring will make it thicker and become less aerodynamic and therefore fly thru air slower.

3. It will bounce off the wall in a reflective angle and will not cause any damage to anything it impacted upon, making it totally safe to play indoor.

4. It can be folded into 1/4 of its original size for easy put away and take along.

Special Features

1.  Upon an impact, the Ring will  collapse to  absorb  the force caused by the impact  (reducing the force of impact). The Ring will not cause any damage to material or object it hit or crashed into directly.   One can throw the Ring at  a glass or into a glass window without breaking it by  direct impact.  The flexible shape allows the Ring to return to it original designed shape by simple retouching with one's hands and it is ready to go again.

2.  It is aerodynamically designed and it will fly thru air like a  frisbee.  Moreover, because of its flexible shape, it can be made to fly thru the air at varying speed depending on the shape of the Ring prior to the throw,  a flattened Ring will fly thru air faster, while squeezing the sides of the Ring will make the Ring thicker and become less aerodynamic and, therefore travel thru air slower.  The special safety feature mentioned before also allows the Ring to be used in a "duel" or Ring Fight (just like dodgeball), for in home and office as a stress releaser

3.  The flexible shape also enables the Ring to be very reflective, meaning, it can bounce off the wall in an angle, similar to how it was thrown into the wall without causing damage to itself or to the wall, making it "safe" to play inside the home or office.  It also enables the Ring to be flattened and folded  into 1/4 of its original size for easy put away and take along.

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